Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Josef attempts to visit father Christopher Savoie in Japan prison

When you hear about another parent going through the horrific experience of having their child abducted in any form your heart bleeds for them, you search for ways to reach out and let them know they are not along in this battle. They say that "good news" travels fast but "bad news" often faster! I was in Thailand when my phone rang in the wee hours of the morning to share with me information that made me sick to my stomach. Christopher Savoie from Tennessee had just been thrown into a Japanese prison for attempting to recover his two wonderful children that had been parentally abducted by their non-custodial mother and hidden in Japan. The details of him grabbing his children and running for safety echo the thoughts many in this position have felt. Outsiders have various views on his attempt, but as a father/parent once in a similar situation I fully understood the rationale. We have ALL thought about it, LBP's as we are called. for the unaware that's an acronym that stands for Left Behind Parent. All you want is to be in your children's life and ironically the abductor is usually shocked that the LBP would put up just as much effort to recover the child as they put into abducting the child. In a sick twist, they, the original abductor actually start assuming the role of the victim, often getting sympathy from those who lack the full story and only see the desperation of the LBP.
"for more pictures click link below"

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